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Japon Zorla Sikiş Altyazılı | Rei Kitajima, Kocasının Patronuyla- 31Vakti

Patronu ile arasını iyi tutmak isteyen eleman, bir akşam yemeğe patronunu çağırarak onunla sohbet muhabbet eder. İş güç konuşmaları bittikten sonra birer bira açıp içmeye başlarlar ve hoş sohbet etmeye devam ederler. Biralar bittiğinde patron olan adam elemanına markete gidip bir kaç tane daha almasını ve kendisini onun karısıyla baş başa bırakmasını söyler. Eleman bu duruma karşı çıktığı sırada patron olan adam “-İşten atılmana ramak kaldı!” diyerek oğlanı tehdit etmeye başlar. Bu sözler karşısında çaresiz kalan eleman, karısıyla patronunu evde bırakarak markete gider. Bunu fırsat bilen patron ise Asyalı kadına sarkıntılık etmeye başlayarak onu önce taciz eder daha sonra yatırıp siker. HD 1080p Türkçe altyazılı Japon zorla sikiş porno filmi.

Rei Kitajima’s husband invites his boss over one night after work

Rei Kitajima is of course the good housewife and always trying to be there for her husband and support him in his job. He is often away and doing what he can to earn a living for the family. But of course he has an asshole boss that is telling him he could be fired. This boss lets him know that there is a way that he can avoid being fired. He could do something nice for the boss and have him over some time to enjoy a beer after work. This boss lets him know that what he plans to do is come over to his house, have some drinks with him and his wife and then when his wife is a bit tipsy he is going to fuck her. So what could he do? He could lose his job or he could have his boss over for some drinks. If he loses his job, he could lose the house he and his wife just bought. So, the choice to make really was to save his house and job and save his wife the problems of having a husband that is not employed. So, one evening the boss shows up at their house with her husband and he is there to have an evening of chat and drinks. The boss looks so excited when he sees his wife and he is visibly excited cause Rei is one hot fucking babe and he knows she is going to have his cock in her mouth in an hour or so. So, when they run out of something to imbibe, Rei’s husband volunteers to go out and get more. This is the chance the boss is looking for to get a slice of that hot pussy Rei has in her panties. GO watch the full video! Watch HD Turkish subtitled Japon zorla sikiş porn for free.

Çıkış Tarihi: 03 Mart 2022

Rei Kitajima

Rei Kitajima Altyazılı Porno Arşivi

Yapım Şirketi: JapanHDV

JapanHDV Altyazılı Porno Arşivi

Orijinal İsim: Rei Kitajima’s husband invites his boss over one night after work

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